
I volunteer web design work for The September Concert Organization. You can see their site at September Concert Organization

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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

you're the cooker dessert makers, appetizers, condiments, and salads

quick note
the links to dessert makers, appetizers, condiments, and salads have been added. I will try to add all the links to this page in the coming days and then I will add more data to the pages already up.

speak to you soon. pi

you're the cooker dessert makers, appetizers, condiments, and salads

Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:07 PM) : 

Dear Pi:

Do you have any suggestions on how to make broccoli appetizing? I love to serve it to my family because it is so healthy to eat, but, let's face it, it's a rather bitter pill (well, bitter taste) to swallow. How do you cook it so it's more palatable without killing it in the process. (We're also watching our calories)




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